You spend a lot of time, money and effort attracting new clients to your business so it makes sense to keep them.
Customer retention is easier and more cost effective than finding new ones. Not only can it boost sales, but if you build a culture of good customer service within your business, the reputation you generate could fuel further business growth.
Communication is the key for customer retention so consider implementing these ideas to help you retain your clients.
Stay in contact
Build on the trust and credibility you have already earned by finding ways to communicate with clients regularly. This includes providing an attractive reason to collect your customers’ contact details at some point during the sales process.
If you decide to use email campaigns or newsletters to stay in touch, ensure they contain information your customers will value. They could be educational, informative or offer value such as exclusive offers.
Make sure you track and measure your client communications so you can identify what works.
Focus on feedback
Customer surveys can help you monitor their satisfaction levels. They can also be used to investigate the demand for a new product or service you are considering.
Keep your surveys meaningful and short to encourage client feedback. There’s an abundance of free software and websites to help you so don’t let cost prevent you from using this valuable feedback tool.
Treat any negative feedback as an opportunity to improve and if possible, follow up personally with a phone call.
Add a personal touch
Imagine how impressive it would be to receive a call or email from a Customer Happiness Consultant – thanking a new customer and providing information on who they should contact if they have a problem or complaint.
Building a relationship with your customers in this way shows a strong commitment to service. Through the use of technology, virtual assistants and the like, adding a personal touch can be cost effective and achievable.
Want more ideas?
Customer retention strategies should be included in every business plan but often they’re forgotten with the pressure to find the next new client.
Causatum works with business owners who strive for effective and efficient growth. If you are ready to take control of your business talk to us. Simply email to book a free, initial consultation or visit for more information.