You spend a lot of time, money and effort attracting new clients to your business so it makes sense to keep them. Customer retention is easier and more cost effective than finding new ones. Not only can it boost sales, but if you build a culture of good customer service within your business, the reputation…
Read MoreHow To Learn The ABCs Of Defining Your Ideal Customers
Let’s be honest – when you’re struggling to get your business off the ground, the ideal customer is any customer. As things start to settle down, however, you’ll get substantially more selective and start spending increasing amounts of time and energy working out exactly who your perfect picks are and how to attract them. Let’s…
Read More5 Steps To Keep Your Customers Close
No matter what size business you’re running, if you’ve been in the game any length of time at all, you’ll be painfully aware of just how difficult it is to win a customer. Given the amount of time, effort, and cold hard cash that goes into customer acquisition, it’s simply astonishing how many businesses consider…
Read More4 Root Causes Of Customer Dissatisfaction
Every business these days makes great play of being fanatically focused on customer feedback. And while building market response into every level of your overall processes makes a lot of sense, there is one major snag you’ll need to address – not every customer is willing to share their opinions. There’s only a certain percentage of…
Read More4 Steps to Clarity When Performing Small Business Planning
Small business planning is an area where many entrepreneurs stumble at the beginning of their careers. We’re not talking about writing a business plan here. Though that step is often necessary at the very outset of a venture, the vast majority of business plans simply evaporate in the face of actual events. No, what we…
Read More4 Root Causes Of Customer Complaint
Every business these days makes great play of being fanatically focused on customer feedback. And while building market response into every level of your overall processes makes a lot of sense, there is one major snag you’ll need to address – not every customer is willing to share their opinions. There’s only a certain percentage of…
Read MoreHow To Improve Your Customer Service – 7 Core Customer Service Concepts For Business Leaders
When it comes to turning your business into a vehicle for the delivery of world-class customer service, the buck stops very much with those at the top of the tree. Your employees may be out there in the trenches doing their best to serve your customers but they can only go as far as you…
Read More6 Steps To Keep Your Customers Close
As our world becomes ever more “connected”, a paradoxical problem heaves ever more into view – how to meaningfully engage with each other in an increasingly digitally mediated world? It’s not a question limited to the personal realm either; businesses large and small worldwide are struggling to build long-term relationships with their customers and losing…
Read MoreHow You CAN Sell To Price Conscious Shoppers
It’s a tough current business climate, and amongst the many concerns small and medium business owners are expressing, one is that it’s hard to compete with the big box shops when it comes to price. Many business owners believe that people shop based on price alone, but it’s simply not true. While there are consumers…
Read MoreForget Customers – Let Raving Fans Bring Business To You!
Having customers isn’t just enough to sustain a business and make it truly successful these days. What you need are raving fans – those who think what you do or sell is so fantastic, they can’t wait to buy your product or service again, and share how much they love it with their friends, family…
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