Are you looking to generate more interest in your business, and stand out from the competition? In this increasingly competitive business environment, it takes more than just letting people know what it is you do. You must communicate your unique talents and abilities in a way that really shows them off. Word of mouth and…
Read MoreYour Dream Team; They’re Waiting For You!
Assembling the “dream team” for your company doesn’t have to be difficult – with a change of perspective, it can come together in no time at all. The key is to take a “doing” rather than an “information” approach. There is a vast range of training options open to employers, so it’s hard to pick…
Read MoreGet Exposed! Why Being A Host Beneficiary Can Blow Up Your Business
Have you ever wondered about different ways to truly excite your customers or business acquaintances? A seldom-used yet highly effective way of doing so is through the “host beneficiary” method. Most people haven’t heard of the term, but when explored, it’s a great way to attract business. The “host ben” strategy is exciting, because it…
Read MoreScripts… The Key To Conversions (Yes, Really!)
When we broach the topic of scripting, many of our clients have the same initial reaction. They tell us that scripting doesn’t work, it’s too artificial, and it fails to account for each client’s unique personality. We have heard a myriad of excuses for why scripting doesn’t work, but yet we encourage our clients to…
Read MoreHow You CAN Sell To Price Conscious Shoppers
It’s a tough current business climate, and amongst the many concerns small and medium business owners are expressing, one is that it’s hard to compete with the big box shops when it comes to price. Many business owners believe that people shop based on price alone, but it’s simply not true. While there are consumers…
Read MoreTesting and Measuring: Marketing with Perception and Perspective
We usually don’t give it much thought, but we test just about everything in life. When car shopping, we test-drive the vehicles we’re interested in before making a choice. When buying clothes, we try them on in the dressing room. Even when grocery shopping, we taste samples before we buy something new. Time and time…
Read MoreThe Science Behind Your Only Chance to Make A Killer First Impression
We commonly think of the brain as being divided into two hemispheres. The left is logical and analytical, while the right is responsible for creativity and feeling. While this general description suits what modern science has identified as the cortex, or “new brain,” there is actually a third dimension we often overlook. The hypothalamus, or…
Read MoreThe Importance of Amazing Teamwork
These days, commonly shared business issues include initiatives for improving quality, providing top-notch customer service, managing the cost of operating a company and succeeding in general. Relying on their own expertise, business competency and networked alliances, cross-organisations of professionals, despite their best intentions, can sometimes prove prohibitive to achieving success. Positive methods should instead be…
Read MoreForget Customers – Let Raving Fans Bring Business To You!
Having customers isn’t just enough to sustain a business and make it truly successful these days. What you need are raving fans – those who think what you do or sell is so fantastic, they can’t wait to buy your product or service again, and share how much they love it with their friends, family…
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